Category Archives: Motorcycle Accidents
Is Lane-Splitting in Florida Legal?
Lane-splitting refers to a motorcycle-operator maneuver that involves driving the bike between two lanes of slower-moving or stopped vehicles. In some states, such as California, the operation is legal as it serves to keep traffic moving. However, in Florida, lane-splitting is illegal, and if a motorcyclist causes an accident because he or she is… Read More »
Fatal Motorcycle Accidents
The sunshine state is home to numerous motorcyclists, and is a destination point for many others who long for the open road and pleasant temperatures. But riding the Florida highway is more than fun and games. In fact, Florida holds the dubious honor of leading the country in motorcycle fatalities. What we know about… Read More »
Motorcycling and the Risks Involved
The romanticized version of motorcycling, reaching back to Marlon Brando and The Wild One, is one of freedom mixed with a certain brand of toughness. After all, there’s not a single rider who doesn’t know the risks involved. Moving at a high rate of speed, and without any protection surrounding them save for a… Read More »
Issues Involved in Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents contribute thousands of deaths and serious injuries per year, and in fact are reported to have increased 55 percent nationwide since 2000. Motorcycle accidents involve unique issues, have unique causes, and lead to specific types of potential compensation. Here is a brief overview of issues involved in motorcycle accidents, as well as… Read More »
Motorcycle Accident? Frequently Asked Questions
A motorcycle injury or accident claim can seem to be just like a car accident. However, motorcycle accidents and injuries cause intersections between many different areas of law, including product liability (figuring out who is at fault for faulty products), property law (figuring out who should pay for damages to property, and how much),… Read More »