Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation When You Get An Illness, Disease Or Infection At Work
When we think of injuries on the job, we think of an actual injury. Something that happens, in a sudden or acute way, that causes us an immediate injury. But not all work related injuries are like that. Sometimes, and especially in certain professions, the main threat is not an actual accident at work—it’s… Read More »

Common Accidents On Construction Sites
It’s no secret that construction sites can be some of the most dangerous places to work and that construction accidents account for a large number of workplace accidents. These accidents can result in workers compensation claims, and third party injury claims. But how do people get injured on construction sites, and what are the… Read More »

Injuries On Breaks: Do You Get Workers’ Compensation?
Most people are aware that if you are injured on the job that you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to help you with your medical expenses and lost wages. But what does it mean to be “on the job?” Sometimes, that’s an easy question to answer. But other times, such as when people… Read More »

Do Temporary Workers Get Workers’ Compensation In Florida?
When we talk about workers’ compensation and who is entitled to benefits, we usually are talking about full time, permanent employees. But what about temporary employees? Do temporary employees get workers’ compensation benefits? Joint Employers While a regular, full time employee has one employer (at least, one oer job), a temporary employee sometimes has… Read More »

Do Seasonal Employees Get Workers’ Compensation?
If you have short term work, and you are injured on the job you may be wondering whether you qualify for workers’ compensation coverage, or whether your employer must provide you such coverage. The initial question to ask is what kind of employee you are, if your position does not employ you for the… Read More »

Workers’ Compensation And The Family Medical Leave Act-Which Takes Precedence?
In a workers’ compensation case, an employer will often have the option to offer an injured worker light or altered duty, to provide the worker the chance to work and make money, without having to return to the worker’s normal job duties which he or she may not be able to do because of… Read More »

How And Why Do Workers’ Compensation Cases Settle?
In personal injury lawsuits, there is a beginning of the case, and the end. But that isn’t the case with workers’ compensation. Technically, there doesn’t have to be an end to your case—at least, no end to your treatment with the workers’ compensation doctors. Keep Treating? Legally, injured workers are allowed to continue treating… Read More »

Who Is And Isn’t Required To Provide Workers’ Compensation Coverage?
There is a general understanding that almost every employer has to provide workers’ compensation for their employees. But is that true? In fact, there are limited exceptions to what kinds of businesses need to provide workers’ compensation coverage. The Minimum Requirements Any business with more than four employees must provide workers’ compensation to its… Read More »

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation For a Bad Reaction to a COVID Vaccine?
With the development of effective COVID-19 vaccines, and the distribution of the vaccine in the coming months, will come issues of whether employers can, or should require employees to get the vaccine. From the employee’s standpoint, one major question might be what happens if an employer-required COVID-19 vaccine gets you sick? Can you get… Read More »

Florida’s Eggshell Plaintiff Doctrine Protects Victims
We seem to have a belief that certain accidents cause certain kinds of injuries. But the reality is that everyone reacts differently to similar accidents. Someone who is able bodied and strong may do better after a slip and fall than someone who is frail, with brittle bones. Some of us are just more… Read More »