Category Archives: Car Accidents

Attacks by Rideshare Drivers are On the Rise
When you get into an Uber or a Lyft, your major worry is probably whether or not you’ll end up in a car accident. That’s a valid concern, but it’s not the only one. Many people overlook the fact that they are getting into a vehicle that’s being operated by who is to you,… Read More »

Unique Issues in Multi Car Pileup Accidents
We tend to just naturally assume that a car accident is a car on a car—that is, that there are two vehicles involved in the accident. But that’s not always how it happens. Many times there are multiple cars involved—and sometimes, so many cars, that the accident can be considered a pileup accident. A… Read More »

Accidents, Car Brands, States and Driver Ages–Who Crashed the Most?
Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way of looking at a car that someone was driving, or where the car was being driven, or who was driving it, and predicting whether or not they would be more likely to get into an accident? Well, we can’t really do that with any accuracy…. Read More »

Electric Cars Are Creating a Problem When They Get Damaged in Accidents
As more and more electric cars come onto our roadways, people in accidents—even seemingly minor accidents—are finding that their property damage insurance, and repairing their vehicles, are presenting some very serious problems. How Property Damage Claims Work To understand the problem, it helps to understand generally how property damage (damage to your car after… Read More »

What is Permanency in a Car Accident Case?
In a typical injury case, you would have to prove that a Defendant did something wrong, that you were injured, and that the accident caused the injury. But in a car accident case, that’s not quite how it works, because there is an extra step: showing that your injury is permanent. Why the Extra… Read More »

Can You Sue When Both Parties are at Fault for an Accident?
When we are in accidents, we think of things in very simple terms: who is liable for the accident? It’s either them (the Defendants), or you, the victim. Both will blame each other, and whomever the jury believes in court, will win. But that’s not exactly how real life works. Real life has grays,… Read More »

Tesla Recalls and the Dangerous Use of Autopilot Features
Tesla cars have become popular, largely based on their advanced technology. Although they are not self driving, and don’t claim to be, they are probably the closest thing out there to self driving cars. The problem is that their self-driving features may be too easy to engage, putting people on the roadway at risk,… Read More »

Why You Shouldn’t Settle Your Case With the Other Driver at the Scene of the Accident
In many kinds of car accidents, people who cause those accidents, will make offers, there on the spot, to pay for some or all of the damages of the other driver (the victim). This can be a tempting (and easy) offer to accept. But be wary, because accepting an offer for money at the… Read More »

Is A New Traffic Signal Color On The Way? Maybe, And Not Soon
Since we were kids, we were taught to look out for the red, yellow and green traffic signals and learn what they mean. Everywhere you go, in any state in the nation these three colors are there, all meaning the same thing. It seems like these three colors will never change, and nothing will… Read More »

Permanent Injuries in Car Accidents: Why They Matter
Florida law requires drivers to carry insurance. However, the law does not require that drivers carry just any kind of insurance, but requires that they carry what is known as personal injury protection (PIP), sometimes also called “no fault insurance.” No fault insurance has its benefits, but for those injured in a car accident,… Read More »