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Monthly Archives: May 2024


Who is the Delivery Person You’re Letting Into Your Home?

By Stephen M. Barbas |

If someone asked you whether you’d let a total stranger into your home, someone neither you nor anybody else knew anything about, you’d probably be pretty quick to say no. But you do it all the time, without realizing the risks and the dangers, when you allow service people and deliver people into your… Read More »

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Who is Liable When Kids are Injured Playing Sports?

By Stephen M. Barbas |

If you have kids, there’s a good chance that either now or at some point in their life, they played sports. Some may have been more serious about it than others, and some may have played for years, and some just gave it a short term try. But if your kids did or do… Read More »

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Here’s the Truth About Class Action Lawsuits

By Stephen M. Barbas |

Class action lawsuits have become so well known, and so common, that they are almost joked about. People say they will “file a class action,” and “get millions of dollars,” as if class action lawsuits are a joke. They probably get that reputation because class action lawsuits tend to yield large recovery amounts, and… Read More »

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Humans May be the Weak Link in Amusement Park Accidents

By Stephen M. Barbas |

When we go to amusement parks and ride the attractions, like the roller coasters or the rides that fly us everywhere at crazy speeds, we often give thought to whether the ride is safe. We may ask ourselves how the ride was put together, whether the ride is serviced and maintained properly and carefully…. Read More »

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