Dealing With Back Pain After a Work-Related Accident

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, back injuries lead to more lost days of work than any other work injury or illness, accounting for 43 percent of all work-related injuries. Humans are not infallible creatures, and we are susceptible to injury after putting our bodies through even the slightest strain. Our backs are more sensitive than most other body parts, however, which is why the number of workers’ compensation claims for back-related injuries is so high.
While back pain injuries are compensable, they are more difficult to prove than other more obvious injuries—or, rather, it is more difficult to prove that back strain is the result of work-related activities. This is because back pain typically does not occur immediately, but rather over time, after performing the same strenuous activities day after day. If you have been left with crippling back pain after an accident, or if your back has grown progressively worse as a result of your specific work functions, you may be wondering what to do next. Our workers’ compensation lawyers at Barbas, Nuñez, Sanders, Butler, & Hovsepian can talk you through the steps to take after you have been injured at work and advise you on what you need to do to maximize your recovery.
Get Medical Attention Immediately
There are two key reasons that you should seek medical attention for back pain:
- You need your back to support your nervous system, move your body, and go about your daily routine, and if you ignore the problem, you may discover that the damage becomes much more serious and long-lasting; and
- You need a doctor’s report to prove liability, prove damages, and to strengthen your case.
With medical attention, you can receive the proper advice on how to manage the problem and alleviate the pain so that you can get back to work as soon as possible. As a bonus, a doctor’s report can boost your case and ensure that you receive the compensation you need to recover in financial comfort.
Take the Proper Steps to Recovery
It is not enough to seek medical attention and obtain a doctor’s report. If you want your employer’s insurance company to believe that your back pain is legitimately disabling, you need to show that you are doing everything in your power to recover. Some steps that your doctor might recommend include but are not limited to the following:
- Use hot and cold compresses on problematic areas;
- Take medication is prescribed;
- Consider chiropractic therapy; and
- Consider surgery to repair the damage.
Only return to work if your doctor gives you the go-ahead, and if he or she does, make sure that your role does not require heavy lifting or other strenuous activity.
File a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Ideally, you should file your workers’ compensation claim as soon after you discover your back pain as possible. Depending on which state you live in, you have a limited amount of time to file your claim. In Florida, that is 30 days. Workers’ compensation can help you fully recover without sacrificing your financial comfort. It can also help you pay for your medical expenses, therapy costs, and other recovery-related expenses.
If you suffer from back pain that is caused by work-related strain, and if you are struggling with what to do about the pain, contact our Tampa workers’ compensation lawyers at Barbas, Nuñez, Sanders, Butler, & Hovsepian. We can help you determine if you have a workers’ compensation claim and build a case to ensure that you recover the compensation you need and deserve to enjoy a comfortable recovery.